Shadow of Mortality
Casting Cost: {13} {b} {b}
Card type: Creature - Avatar
Power/Toughness: 7/7
Card Text:
- If your life total is less than your starting life total, this spell costs {x} less to cast, where x is the differentence.
Artist: Anato Finnstark
Cost Reduction: The card's casting cost can be substantial reduced, potentialy allowing for early game deployment if you've lost enough life.
Large Body: A 7/7 Creature is a significant threat on the board, demanding an Answer from your opponent.
Flexibility: Can be a late game bomb or an earlier play if you have paid life for other effects or tasks damage.
No Evasion or Built-in Protection: Despite its Large Body, It Lacks Trample, Flying, or Any Form of Protection, Making It Susceptible to Chump Blocking and Removal.
High Base Cost: If you are at or near your starting life total, this creature is prohibitively Expensive.
No immediate impact: The Card Does Nothing When it Enters The Battlefield, So Your Opponent Has A Full Turn To Answer It Before It Becomes A Problem.
DECK Considerations:
Life Loss Synergies: This card slots well into a deck with other cards that cost you life, as they'll make it cheaper to cast.
Reanimation: In some situations, it might be asier to put this creature into the graveyard and then reanimate it rather than casting it.
Control or midrange: Seems more at home in a control or midrange deck that can afford to play a long game or has ways to lose life safely.
Flavor and Art:
Art: Anato Finnstark Likely Brings An Otherworldly, Eerie Depiction to this Avatar, Fitting for a Creature Tied to Mortality.
Lore: Presumable an embodiment of Death or a Similarly Dark concept, Given its name and cost reduction tied to life loss.
Overall impression:
Shadow of Mortality is A High-Risk, High-Reward Card. While it can be a significant threat when cast for a reduced cost, its lack of immediate board impact and evasion or protection makes it somewhat vulnerable. Nonetheless, in the right deck that can manipulate life totals, this could be a potent and surprising threat.