Prepare for a growing storm of stellar power with the latest expansion of Pokémon TCG!
A lightning force from the sky: Terawatts of energy thunder from the sky in a tropical paradise, as the supercharged Pikachu ex takes the stage! With the power of a Stellar Tera Pokémon ex, it lights up the coast and reveals an impressive parade of dragon Pokémon.
A parade of dragons: Led by the majestic Alolan Exeggutor ex, and bolstered by the formidable Archaludon ex and Latias ex, these dragons prepare for battle.
New surprises: Collect brand-new ACE SPEC cards and discover more surprising Pokémon ex, as electricity crackles and the dragons roar in Pokémon TCG: Scarlet & Violet - Surging Sparks!
Step into the action and give your deck an electric boost!
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