Magic: The Gathering - Draft Booster Innistrad: Crimson Vow 630509993468

Magic: The Gathering - Draft Booster Innistrad: Crimson Vow

EAN code: 630509993468
Stock: In stock
Product type: Booster Pack
Language: English

This new Magic: The Gathering set Crimson Vow continues the Innistrad storyline that began with Innistrad: Midnight Hunt.
After the werewolves in Midnight Hunt, the vampires are back in play. This set tells the story of the greatest vampire wedding in the history of Innistrad, between the Markov and Voldaren bloodlines. Olivia Voldaren is the bride and wants to make a pact with the Markovs to seize power over Innistrad.

A draft booster contains 15 playable cards.

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