Casting Cost: {4} {b}
Card type: Legendary Creature - Human Wizard
Power/Toughness: 2/2
Card Text:
Whenever you cast a creature spell, create x 1/1 black threat creature tokens, where x is that spell's mana value.
When you control seven or more thrulls, Sacrifice Endrek Sahr, Master Breeder.
Artist: Lucas Graciano
ENDREK SAHR, MASTER BREER is a legendary creature card with a casting cost of {4} {b}. It has a power/toughness or 2/2. The Card's Main Ability Triggers Whenever You Cast A Creature Spell. For Each Creature Spell You Cast, You Create X 1/1 Black Thrull Creature tokens, Where X Is The Mana Value of the Creature Spell You Cast. This Ability Can Lead To A Rapid Swarm of Thrull Tokens If you're Casting High-Mana-Value Creature Spells.
However, the card also has a drawback. If you control seven or more threatures, you are required to sacrifice endk Sahr, master Breeder. This mechanic adds an element of strategy to managing your board state and the number of thrulls you have in play. Balancing the Creation of Thrull tokens with the Risk of Losing Your Commander Can Be A Key Consideration When Playing This Card.
The Artwork by Lucas Graciano Depicts Endrek Sahr Surrounded by Threat of the Concept of Him Being a Master Breeder Responsible for Generating These Small and Eerie Creatures.
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