Botanical Plaza
Card type: Land
Card Text:
Botanical Plaza Enters The Battlefield Tapped.
T: Add g or W.
2GW, T, Sacrifice Botanical Plaza: Draw a card.
Flavour text:
Public Parks Are A Favored Meeting Spot For Those Considering a Shift in Allegiance.
Artist: Grady Frederick
Mana Flexibility: Can Produce Either Green Or White Mana, Useful in Multicolor Decks.
Card Draw: Has the Option to Sacrifice Itself for Card Draw in the Late Game.
Enters Tapped: Slows down your tempo as it comes into play tapped.
High Sacrifice Cost: The 2GW and Tap to Draw a Card is a Steep Cost for What is General A Low-Impact Effect.
DECK Considerations:
Green-White Decks: Naturally fits into decks that are green and white.
Midrange decks: Useful in decks that might want to utilize all their resources and can take advantage of a late game card draw.
Landfall: Could Be Included in a deck with Landfall Triggers Where Lands Entering The Battlefield Can Trigger Other Abilities.
Flavor and Art:
Flavor: The concept of a public plaza as a place for shifting allegiances is intriguing and adds depth to the world it representents.
Artist: Grady Frederick's Art Likely Portrays A Tranquil Yet Significant Location, Echoing the Card's Flavor Text.
Overall impression:
Botanical Plaza is a land card that sacrifices both mana flexibility and a late game card draw option, albeit at a high cost. It's not a fast land by any mean but could find a home in slower, more deliberate green-white decks that can afford to pay its steep activation cost for an extra card.