Bedrock Tortoise
Casting Cost: {3} {g}
Card type: Creature - Turtle
Power/Toughness: 0/6
Artist: Maxime Minard
Card Strengths and Weaknesses:
- Defensive Wall: With a Toughness of 6, Bedrock Tortoise Serves As A Robust Blocker, Deterring Attacks from Smaller Creatures.
- Team-Wide Hexproof: Grants Hexproof to All Creatures You Control During Your Turn, Providing Protection Against Targeted Spells and Abilities.
- Combat Damage Adjustment: Alters The Way Combat Damage is Assigned for Creatures with Greater Toughness than Power, Potentialy Favoring Defensive Strategies.
- Lacks Offensive Power: Bedrock Tortoise's Power of 0 Makes It Ineffective As An Attacker.
- Vulnerable to Global Effects: While Creatures Have Hexproof Door Turn, They May Still Be Affected by Global Or Non-Targeted Effects Duration the Opponent's Turn.
Deck Utility:
Defensive strategies:
- Fits well into decks focused on defense and control, providing a sturdy blocker and protection for the team.
Hexproof Synergies:
- Works Synergistically with Hexproof-based strategies, Ensuring that your creatures are more difficult to remove through targeted spells and abilities.
Toughness Matters:
- Benefits from cards or strategies that care about creature toughness rather than power, potentially allowing for unique combat interactions.
Interactions and Combos:
Team-Wide Hexproof:
- Combines Well with Cards That Care About Creatures Having Hexproof, Creating A Protective Shield for the Entire Team.
Toughness-based strategies:
- Synergizes with cards that reward high toughness or strategies build around creatures with greater toughness than power.
Flavor and Lore: The Flavor Text Emphasizes The Wisdom of the Bedrock Tortoise, Linking its Strong Foundations to its Innate Wisdom. The Card's Design Reflects This Wisdom By Providing A Defensive Advantage to Your Creatures Feal Turn.
Overall impression: Bedrock tortoise is a defensive creature that excels at providing a sturdy defense for your team. ITS Hexproof-Granting Ability and Unique Combat Damage Adjustment Make It A Valuable Addition to Decks Focused On Defensive Strategies or Synergies with High Toughness Creatures. While It May Lack Offensive Capabilities, its Role as a defensive anchor aligns well with its turtle theme and flavor.