Banish from Edoras
Casting Cost: {4} {w}
Card type: Sorcery
Card Text:
This Spell Costs 2 Less to Cast IF IT Targets a Tapped Creature.
Exile target creature.
Flavour text:
Wormtongue Bared His Teeth; And then with a Hissing Breath he spatter the king's feet.
Artist: Veli Nyström
Banish from Edoras is a white sorcery spell with a casting cost of {4} {w}. However, it has a cost reduction condition that makes it more efficient if you target a tapped creature.
Here's how it works: if you choose to target a tapped creature with this game, it will cost you 2 colorless mana less to cast. This cost reduction reflects the idea that's asier to deal with a vulnerable or incapacitated target.
The Primary Effect of the Spell is to Exile the Target Creature, Removing It From The Battlefield Entirely. The flavorful artwork by veli nyström captures a dramatic moment from the story, as wormtongue, a character from the world of eder, take a hostile action in front of the king.
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