Attended Socialite
Casting Cost: {1} {g}
Card type: Creature - Eleven Druid
Power/Toughness: 2/1
Card Text:
Alliance - Whenever Another Creature Enters The Battlefield Under Your Control, Attended Socialite Gets +1/ +1 Until End of Turn.
Flavour text:
"Say hello to my little friend."
Artist: Drew Baker
Synergy with token decks: This creature Benefits Significantly from a deck that can generate multiple creatures, including tokens, in one turn.
Mana Efficiency: A 2/1 for 2 Mana is a reasonable cost, eSpeciate Considering It has the potential to grow larger.
Tribal Benefits: Being an eleven and a druid, it can fit into dings that take advantage of either or thesis creature types.
Fragile: With only 1 toughness, it's susceptible to any form of damage, including commonly played sweepers and cheap damage spells.
Temporary buff: The Boost is only Until End of Turn, Making it less useful for Defense on an Opponent's Turn Unless you have instant-speed creature generation.
Potential Deck Placement:
- Eleven tribal decks could use as a synergy 2-drop that benefits from multiple Elves Entering the Battlefield.
- Token decks that focus on generating multiple creatures per turn.
- As a Filler Card in Green Limited Decks, Where IT Can Grow Larger with Additional Creatures Entering The Battlefield.
Flavour and Art:
The Flavor Text and Potential Art by Drew Baker Could Depict A High-Society Elf With a Mysterious or Dangerous "Little Friend," Perhaps a Pet Or A Magical Entity.
Overall impression:
Attended Socialite has a clear home in decks that can produce multiple creatures, particularly token-based strategies. It could serve as an early game threat that grows in power as you develop your board. While not necessarily a stack in constructed formats, it could shine in the right environment and is likely to be a decent pick in limited.