Casting Cost: {1} {r}
Card type: Instant
Card Text:
Choose One -
Brade Is an instant card with a casting cost of {1} {r}. It stands out for its versatility, making it a valuable inclusion in many Red Decks, eSpeciate in formats where both creatures and artifacts are prevalent threats.
The Card Allows the Player to Choose Between Two Distinct Effects:
The Flavor Text Paints a Vivid Picture, Likenening The Desert's Unyielding Nature to the Destructive Force of the Spell. The Desert's Capacity to Erode Both Living Beings and Inanimate Objects Speaks to the Dual Nature of the Card: Damaging Creatures and Destroying Artifacts.
Jonas De Ro's Artwork Likely Complements The Card's Theme and Flavor Text, Capture the Relentless and Consuming Nature of the Desert, While also Representing The Spell's Dual Potential for Destruction.
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